Monday, September 24, 2012

September 4 - First day - Doodles!

For the first day, all students listened to suggested techniques to make a cohesive doodle while learning about different types of lines and shapes. This was a fantastic first day warm-up activity; it was also a way for me to see where students were at in their motor skills and ability. They had to draw various lines and shapes as well as some coloring. Below are a few pictures:

Kindergarten/1st grade: Brigit coloring in her doodle.

3rd/4th grade: Alex, Pierce, Ronin and Jon.

5th/6th grade: Oriah making some doodle decisions.

5th/6th grade: Ricky and Ben working hard.

5th/6th grade: Nicky and Xander getting a head start on their sketchbooks.