Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #6 - Where I Live


Dates shown are the dates the assignment is DUE.
Assignment must be completed in your sketchbook, or you will earn a zero.  
Grades for sketchbooks will be out of 10 points and based on the following:

·  Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points). 
·  Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. (3 points). 
·  Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
·  The date that your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the sketchbook page (1 point).

This week's sketchbook assignment: Where I Live
1. Using paper, newspaper, magazines, etc., create a collage of where you live (a house, an apartment, etc). 
2. Make sure to create a complete picture (ground, sky, building, landscaping) that fills the page. 
3. Using black marker, trace around your cut edges and add small details such as windows and doors. 
4. Add some extra color to your collage using crayons. 

Below is my example: 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #5 - Face Collage


Dates shown are the dates the assignment is DUE.
Assignment must be completed in your sketchbook, or you will earn a zero.  
Grades for sketchbooks will be out of 10 points and based on the following:

·  Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points). 
·  Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. (3 points). 
·  Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
·  The date that your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the sketchbook page (1 point).

This week's sketchbook assignment: Face Collage

This is a mix and match collage project, with a writing prompt that hopefully sparks some creative thinking.

1. Start with gluing the face and neck onto the sketchbook page.
2. Cut out and glue eyes and a mouth on the faces, hopefully each from a different magazine page.
3. Look for patterns and colors in the magazines.  Cut and glue some kind of hair or hat or topping to the collage head.
4. Below the face, write and finish the sentence “Hello, my name is _____.”

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #4 - Texture

DUE DECEMBER 3 (when we return from Thanksgiving Break)

Dates shown are the dates the assignment is DUE.
Assignment must be completed in your sketchbook, or you will earn a zero.  
Grades for sketchbooks will be out of 10 points and based on the following:

·  Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points). 
·  Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. (3 points). 
·  Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
·  The date that your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the sketchbook page (1 point).

This week's sketchbook assignment: Texture

1. Using pencil first, then tracing with black marker, or just begin with black marker, write "The Elements of Art" at the top of your page.
2. Below your title, write "Texture: means surface quality. Texture may be real, or just an impression."
3. Make a rubbing using the sample of texture of your choosing. Plastic nets, sandpaper, a leaf, etc. - all will work well. Rub with a crayon or pencil. Label this "Impression of Texture" with black marker.
4. Glue or tape the real texture sample below or next to your rubbing. Label this "Real Texture" with black marker. 
5. Compare the two. Do they look similar? What is different about the two of them? 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #3 - "Thankful" Bubbles


Dates shown are the dates the assignment is DUE.
Assignment must be completed in your sketchbook, or you will earn a zero.  
Grades for sketchbooks will be out of 10 points and based on the following:

·  Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points).
·  Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. (3 points).
·  Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)

·  The date that your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the sketchbook page (1 point).

This week's sketchbook assignment: "Thankful" Bubbles

*This assignment will take up two pages*

1. Use anything circular (jars, lids, masking tape, etc) for tracing circles. Write “I am thankful for…” in crayon, and then trace a lot of overlapping circles around the page (7 or more circles). Names of the people or things you are thankful for are written inside, using crayon and pressing hard. Fill in any extra space with lots of little circles. Multiple crayon colors in each make them look a bit like marbles.

2. Watercolors are used to fill in each circle. While wet, and with a thin brush, a partial ring around the edge is added to each. A light hand with the painting will bring about the best results.

3. If you don't have watercolors at home, please plan accordingly, meaning, plan to do the painting portion here at school well before the due date.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #2 - Faith Ringgold Flag Collage

Due November 12
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Faith Ringgold Flag Collage

Faith Ringgold, an African-American artist, is best known for her large story quilts. In 1985 she made a piece titled “Flag Story Quilt” which inspired this collage.

1. Using old magazines, cut out small pieces of red, and also black and white lettering (type) to fill in the stripes and blue swatches to fill in the rectangle portion of the flag. Attached the pieces with glue stick or white glue.
2. Cover the blue rectangle with some glue stick and arrange some hole punch circles or some other small white pieces of paper, for stars, as shown.

Below is my example:

Here is the artist's work that this assignment was inspired by:

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #1 - Positive/Negative Flowers

Due November 5
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Positive/Negative Flowers

This is a simple exercise that uses positive and negative shapes and lines.

1. Students will have received an 5.25" x 8" piece of black paper for this assignment. 
2. Using a ruler, lightly draw a 1" border on three edges of the black paper. It should look like there is a square touching the bottom edge of the paper. 
3. The inside black square is cut and flipped up, and the two black pieces are glued to the white paper as shown.
3. Use a black sharpie or black marker to draw a vase in the lower white space. Flowers may be drawn on the black square with a white colored pencil or white crayon. This is one of those projects that just needs a simple, simple drawing. Less is more!
Below is my example! You may copy it exactly or elaborate on your own version of the vase with flowers. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Process Based Art Education vs Product Based Art Education

My teaching philosophy is more in line with Process Based Art Education. I believe it's the process of art making that engages children the most and is where all the learning happens! Here is a great post from the National Association for the Education of Young Children that discusses the differences between Process Based and Product Based Art Education. While it's focus is on Preschool Education, the ideas are the same for all ages!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #29 - Fireworks!

Due May 14
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Fireworks
  1. Use colored pencils or markers.
  2. Starting anywhere on the paper, color a zig zag line in a circular motion. 
  3. Choose a different color. Follow around the center zig zag circle. 
  4. Repeat step 3 until you have 3-4 zig zag circles drawn.
  5. Now start another firework in the same way somewhere else on the paper. 
  6. Make 3 or more fireworks until your paper is filled. 
Below is my example. You may copy my format or create your own. Be creative and have fun! :)

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Prep for art show pieces

Mrs. Buckett's class prepare their canvases for some very special end of year art work. Make sure to look for them at the Talent/Art Show this Saturday May 9!!! 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #28 - How to draw a dandelion

Due May 7
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: How to draw a dandelion
  1. Follow the steps below to draw your dandelion picture in your sketchbook. 
  2. Draw 3 dandelions using the instructions below, in pencil. 
  3. Write the quote, "make a wish..." in cursive or print. 
  4. Trace everything in black marker. Don't leave anything left in pencil! 
Below is my example. You may copy my format or create your own. Be creative and have fun! :)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #27 - Ocean Collage

Due April 30
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Ocean Collage
  1. Using scraps of paper, magazines, etc., create a picture of the ocean. Things to consider: shells, waves, sailboats, crabs, sand, beach, umbrellas, sun, blue sky.
  2. Use white glue or glue stick. 
  3. Add details using marker if you'd like. 
Below is an example. You may copy my format or create your own. Be creative and have fun! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #26 - Self-portrait

Due April 23 
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Self-portrait
  1. Using a mirror or a photo of yourself, draw a self-portrait (a picture of yourself). 
  2. Draw a large oval for your face, and continue by adding neck, shoulder, and features on the face. 
  3. Once completed, trace your pencil drawing with a black marker and fill in the rest with more colors, using markers or colored pencils or crayons (your choice).
  4. You may leave the background white or color it in.  
Below is my example. You may copy my format or create your own. Be creative and have fun! :)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #25 - Rainy Day Umbrellas

Due April 16 
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Rainy Day Umbrellas
  1. Start by tracing 3 different sized circles onto patterned paper. 
  2. Draw a scallop line through middle and cut out the shapes. 
  3. Arrange your 3 umbrellas on your sketchbook page and glue them down with a glue stick. 
  4. Draw black lines on each umbrella to indicate the spokes and then draw handles underneath. 
  5. Using a blue marker, draw lines of rain coming down from the top of the paper, which should stop at each umbrella. Use a blue crayon or colored pencil to add more color to the background. 
  6. Somewhere on your page, write the "Rain, rain, go away..." poem in marker.
Below is my example. You may copy my format or create your own. Be creative and have fun! :)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Art happenings this year...

How to draw a fox using oil pastels - Ms. Geis's class

Monochromatic blue windmill paintings - Mrs. Buckett's class

Tempera paint self portraits - Ms. Geis's class

Self portraits inspired by "Sky Color" by Peter Reynolds - Mrs. Connors class

Modigliani portraits - Mrs. Gelatt's class

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #24 - Still-life

Due April 2 
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Still-life
  1. Draw the following shapes with pencil: coffee cup, goblet, bowl and plate, overlapping in any way you wish. 
  2. Trace heavily with crayon to create a dark, bold line. 
  3. Paint all the shapes created a different color using watercolor paint. If you don't have watercolor paint, use markers. 
Below is my example. You may copy my format or create your own. Be creative and have fun! :)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #23 - Tissue Paper Tree

Due March 26 
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Tissue Paper Tree
  1. Draw a tree using the Y method so that it looks as realistic as possible. You can do this in pencil then color in with black marker or draw directly with black marker. Let's make it bold!
  2. Using tissue paper, tear or cut small pieces to make leaves and glue to your tree. The colors you use are up to you! 
Below is my example. You may copy my format or create your own. Be creative and have fun! :)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #22 - Flying Kites

Due March 19 
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)

This week's assignment: Flying Kite
1. Paint one sketchbook page with light blue watercolor paint. Dab with paper towel to speed up drying process.
2. Cut out at least 2 clouds from white paper. Glue to page with a glue stick.
3. Cut out as 3-5 diamond shaped kites from patterned paper. Arrange and glue them to the page with a glue stick.
4. Draw matching tails on the kites with a crayon. Have fun adding a message about windy days, and let your words float all over the page!

Below is my example. My example takes up two pages - yours only needs to be on one.
Be creative and have fun!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #21 - Hundertwasser flowers & quote

Due March 12
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Hundertwasser flowers & quote
  1. Draw a wavy horizontal line, then five random circles for the flower centers above it. All the centers have a stem drawn down, then lots of concentric circles around them. 
  2. Draw lots of wavy horizontal lines that imitate the horizon line (the first wavy line you drew). Jump around each flower. 
  3. Add block letters below the flowers, spelling out the quote from Hundertwasser: "If we destroy our roots, we cannot grow." - R. Hundertwasser. 
  4. Trace all the lines (drawing and the quote) with thin black marker.
  5. Using colored pencils or crayons, fill in the drawing in the style of Hundertwasser with some dark shading next to the marker lines. 
Below is my example. Please only do yours on ONE page. Have fun!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #20 - "Where Am I?" collage

Due March 5
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: "Where Am I?" collage
  1. Choose a color photo from a magazine that interests you in some way. Cut it out and glue it down with a glue stick. 
  2. Using strips of scrapbook or construction paper, use wide pieces to outline the photo and thin ones to make bars going across and down to make a window. 
  3. Cut out curtain shapes of another color or pattern and them over the sides of the window with a glue stick. 
  4. Little strips of paper could be added as sashes on top of the curtains if desired (the light green strip of paper in the picture below).
  5. Think about where you would be if you saw this image outside of your window. Around the window you've created, write an explanation along with a description in marker. 
Below is my example. You may copy the format or make up your own. Be creative and have fun!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #19 - Shoe Drawing

Due February 26
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Shoe Drawing
  1. Pick any one shoe that you would like to draw. 
  2. Draw your shoe from any angle (side view, from the top, etc), in pencil. The drawing must be of the whole shoe, filling up as much of the page as possible.
  3. Use at least three different values to shade your shoe. 
Below are two examples, with the beginning stages of shading. Be creative and have fun! :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #18 - Element of Art - Space

Due February 19
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Element of Art - Space
  1. Draw a simple border around the sketchbook paper. 
  2. Write the title, "Element of Art - Space" in large letters at the top of the paper. Trace with marker.
  3. Below the title, write the definition of space - the distance around or between things. Includes fore, middle and background. 
  4. Draw a horizon line just under the definition. Add three angled lines below the horizon line.
  5. Draw three houses, large ones in front (bottom of page) and small in back (top of page).
  6. Draw trees, large ones in front (bottom of page), small ones in back (top of page). 
  7. Finish with cars and other details. Trace with marker and add color. 
Below is my example. Be creative and have fun! :)