Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Watercolor Elephants

Here are a few of the finished watercolor elephants from the 1st/2nd grade class. Lovely!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Paper Sculptures

Here are a few pictures of the 1st/2nd grade class creating their paper sculptures. After a brief discussion about abstract art and 3-D art, students were shown how to roll strips of scrapbook paper around their pencil to make a tight curl. Keeping it rolled, they dipped one end of the curl in white glue and held it to their background paper for 10-20 seconds. They glued 10-20 paper curls on their background paper to create their abstract paper sculptures. I have to say, this was definitely one of the most frustrating projects for the students, because a lot of the time the paper strips came uncurled or wouldn't stay glued to the background paper. They persevered! It was a good lesson in patience and delayed gratification :)

Rose Windows

The 3rd-6th graders created Rose Windows, inspired by the old, beautiful stained glass windows of medieval churches of Europe. Here are the 5th/6th graders' rose windows hanging in their classroom. Gorgeous!

Mona Lisa parodies - February/March

 All grade levels participated in this project. We started with a brief history of Leonardo da Vinci and his most famous painting, the Mona Lisa. We also talked about parodies, especially how to change a few things in your artwork to make it humorous and yet still see the inspiration of the original idea (the Mona Lisa). Pictured here are the K/1st grade class and a few examples of their Mona Lisas. 

 Below are photos of the 5th/6th grade class working on their Mona Lisas. Their project was different in that they drew a realistic portrayal of Mona Lisa and changed the background to something different, as if she stepped into a time machine. They did an amazing job!