Thursday, April 30, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #28 - How to draw a dandelion

Due May 7
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: How to draw a dandelion
  1. Follow the steps below to draw your dandelion picture in your sketchbook. 
  2. Draw 3 dandelions using the instructions below, in pencil. 
  3. Write the quote, "make a wish..." in cursive or print. 
  4. Trace everything in black marker. Don't leave anything left in pencil! 
Below is my example. You may copy my format or create your own. Be creative and have fun! :)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #27 - Ocean Collage

Due April 30
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Ocean Collage
  1. Using scraps of paper, magazines, etc., create a picture of the ocean. Things to consider: shells, waves, sailboats, crabs, sand, beach, umbrellas, sun, blue sky.
  2. Use white glue or glue stick. 
  3. Add details using marker if you'd like. 
Below is an example. You may copy my format or create your own. Be creative and have fun! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #26 - Self-portrait

Due April 23 
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Self-portrait
  1. Using a mirror or a photo of yourself, draw a self-portrait (a picture of yourself). 
  2. Draw a large oval for your face, and continue by adding neck, shoulder, and features on the face. 
  3. Once completed, trace your pencil drawing with a black marker and fill in the rest with more colors, using markers or colored pencils or crayons (your choice).
  4. You may leave the background white or color it in.  
Below is my example. You may copy my format or create your own. Be creative and have fun! :)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sketchbook Assignment #25 - Rainy Day Umbrellas

Due April 16 
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
This week's assignment: Rainy Day Umbrellas
  1. Start by tracing 3 different sized circles onto patterned paper. 
  2. Draw a scallop line through middle and cut out the shapes. 
  3. Arrange your 3 umbrellas on your sketchbook page and glue them down with a glue stick. 
  4. Draw black lines on each umbrella to indicate the spokes and then draw handles underneath. 
  5. Using a blue marker, draw lines of rain coming down from the top of the paper, which should stop at each umbrella. Use a blue crayon or colored pencil to add more color to the background. 
  6. Somewhere on your page, write the "Rain, rain, go away..." poem in marker.
Below is my example. You may copy my format or create your own. Be creative and have fun! :)