Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sketchbook Assignment #4 - Circle Drawing/Collage

Due October 2
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)

This week's assignment: Circle drawing/collage
  1. Cut out 12 circles that are the SAME size from magazines/scrap paper. Must be paper so you can color on them - can't use fabric for this one! 
  2. Glue them to your page so that you make 4 rows of 3 circles each. 
  3. Using Sharpies or some other permanent marker (washable markers won't work on magazine paper), draw two smaller circles within the large cut out circle.
  4. Color in your circles, using different colors inside each. 
Below is my example. You may copy the format or make up your own. Be creative and have fun! I'm looking forward to seeing your abstract circle art!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sketchbook Assignment #3 - Happiness List

Due September 25
Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
  • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
  • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
  • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
  • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)

    This week's assignment: Happiness List
    1. Title the page: "Happiness List" or  "My Happiness Instructions". 
    2. List 5 things that you can do to make you happy when you're having a rough day. You may list more than 5 but not less.
    3. Use fun lettering.
    4. Add pattern to the background (not so much that you can't read the list). 
    5. Don't forget to color fully!
    Below is my example. You may copy the format or make up your own. Be creative and have fun! I'm looking forward to reading what you come up with!

    Sketchbook Assignment #2 - Hot Air Balloon Collage

    Due September 18
    Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
    Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:
    • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
    • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
    • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
    • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
    This week's assignment: Hot Air Balloon Collage
    1. Cut out 3 different size circles out of colored or patterned paper. If you don't have this at home, please take 3 different pieces of paper from class. 
    2. Glue the circles onto various spots on your paper and make them into your "hot air balloons" using markers, crayons, whatever you choose. 
    3. Making the words look like they're floating through the air, write, "Someday I want to travel to..." and finish the sentence with where you would like to visit someday. Anywhere at all! Have fun with it!
    Here is my example. You can copy this format or create your own. Be creative and have fun! I can't wait to find out where you'd like to travel to some day!

    Thursday, September 4, 2014

    Sketchbook Assignment #1 - Goals for 2014-2015 school year

    Due September 11
    Assignment MUST be competed in your sketchbook, or you will receive a zero.
    Be sure to follow these guidelines for every assignment:

    • Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points)
    • Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. Your choice. (3 points)
    • Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
    • The date your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the page (1 point)
    This week's assignment: Goals for the 2014-2015 school year
    1. Title "Goals for the 2014-2015 school year" somewhere on page. Play with the writing - get creative and have fun! 
    2. Draw your hand, front or back, left or right, trace it or look at your hand to draw it. Your choice. 
    3. Write AT LEAST 3 goals you have for this school year (could be for outside of school, too).
    4. Add a pattern in the background. 
    This is my example. You can copy the format or make up your own, as long as it meets the above guidelines. Have fun! Can't wait to see them next week!