Kindergarten through 2nd grade looked at the Aztec Sun Calendar and discussed how facial expressions show emotion (happy, sad, surprised, mad, etc.). We talked about what shapes made up the sun (circle, triangles). Lastly, we talked about warm colors (red, orange and yellow) and cool colors (green, blue and purple). Students drew a sun as big as the paper and drew the sun's facial expression. They then colored it in with crayons and/or markers using warm colors. After they cut it out and glued it to their background, they added a border of cut paper using cool colors. Here a few pictures from the Kindergarten/1st grade class:
Ben and Brooklyn
Elijah and Brigit
Taylor and Marik
Third through 6th grade students viewed and discussed a variety of Aztec Animal artworks. We discussed shapes and lines used to create the simplistic animals as well as if the artist used thin or thick paintbrush to create a particular line or shape. Lastly we discussed positive and negative space, which tied in nicely with their sketchbook assignment that week. They started by coloring in their backgrounds using oil pastels, filling the page with blocks of color. Next, they used acrylic paint to paint their Aztec animal onto their colored background. Here are a few finished pieces from the 3rd/4th grade class: