Thursday, January 7, 2016

Sketchbook Assignment #7 - "my hand" collage


Date shown are the dates the assignment is DUE.
Assignment must be completed in your sketchbook, or you will earn a zero.  
Grades for sketchbooks will be out of 10 points and based on the following:

·  Drawing must fill the entire page (3 points). 
·  Drawing must use full color or shading. You may use crayons, pencils, colored pencils, paint, etc. (3 points). 
·  Drawing must show great attention to detail (3 points)
·  The date that your sketch is due must be written in the top right corner of the sketchbook page (1 point).

This week's sketchbook assignment: "My hand" collage

1. Using just a sheet of white paper, trace one hand in pencil and then with a Sharpie so that you can see the lines a bit from the back.

2. Cut about 6 of 7 big squares of magazine pictures that you like, about 2″ squares. Glue down the squares to cover the back of the hand cutout. All should overlap so no white is showing. Let dry completely.

3. While glue is drying, color you background with any color crayon(s) you'd like. Color it completely.

4. *Make sure glue is COMPLETELY DRY before doing this step* Cut out the hand from the marker side. Glue the hand in the center, and watercolor paint is applied around the hand, and faded to nothing with the brush.

Make sure glue AND watercolors are completely dry before closing your sketchbook!

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